Blogging the C++ Language: catch keyword

The catch keyword is used to catch an exception after a try block. For instance:

Blogging the C++ Language: case keyword

The case keyword is used to label a section of a switch statement. For instance:

Blogging the C++ Language: break statement

The break statement exits from innermost loop (do, while, or for). For instance:

Blogging the C++ Language: auto storage class

The auto storage class means the compiler decides when the variable is created and destroyed. This is opposed to static which is only created once. Auto is the default storage class. So:

Blogging the C++ Language: asm

There’s not a whole lot to say here. The asm() statement lets you inject assembly language code into your C++ program. This is a huge topic in itself, but outside of this conversation.

Blogging the C++ Language: Named Operators

This is the first in a series where I am going to read through the O’Reilly C++ In A Nutshell language reference and blog about each part. This is mainly for me, to make sure I fully understand the language, and for you, if you care.

C++ Exception Handling

I ran across a question the other day that I didn’t know the answer to, so I thought I would look it up. Namely: what happens to objects on the stack as a c++ exception is handled. Continue reading to find out.

First Live Releases of Suite-C Web Online

The first sites running Suite-C Web Drupal modules are up. The first is this one. The other is The biblestudy module is running here. Almost everyone has some kind of opinion or question on the Bible, so go ahead, check it out, leave a note or a question and hopefully get an answer!

Covariant Return Types

I came across this concept recently and wanted to share it here. In C++, you can change the return type of a virtual function if and only if that return type is derived class of the parent return type. Note: you can always change the return type of a overloaded method in a derived class. The following example compiles with no errors. Notice that the virtual getThis() is overridded with a new return type that is derived from the return type of the parent’s getThis() function. Also notice how the non-virtual getInt() has its return type changed.

Installing Windows Vista: Part 3

The install that I started yesterday worked! Well, mostly. The bootloader for some reason is messed up, but the autofix mechanism of the Vista install DVD cleared that up. Also, the pausing problems can be REALLY bad. Updating the Nvidia display driver always reduces them, BUT changing the effects settings has now affect.