The article “10 Essential Steps to Take BEFORE You’re Laid Off” at Get Rich Slowly has what seems to be set of great tips. I might be biased, however, because I’m already doing most of these tips. Tip number 3 stands out:

Start a blog that contains at least 50% professional material. If you don’t already have a blog, stop reading this one and go start one right this minute. It’s essential. Your blog is your living resume. It shows how you think. It shows how you write. It shows what’s important to you. While it is fine to blog about personal topics, devote half of your posts to professional content. What is that you do by trade? Mentor us through your blog. We employers love hiring mentors — they raise everybody’s performance.

I had just recently begun to realize that the most important and useful feature of a blog like this one is as a way to work on my resume and present myself to potential employers. I’m glad that the CEO of a tech company agrees.